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We Make Noise Global July Live Show Feature on Instagram

i enjoy music (stoned) by Molly Mary O'Brien

Krissanthemum likes “name one thing in this photo” music

Even her music itself makes her love for weed explicit. An acoustic demo of her song "Smoke With You" features honeyed harmonies in the form of an invitation to a smoky creative gathering; she'll "bring some weed," and then "we'll talk some shit and write some hits." And even without overt references to getting high, Krissanthemum's music has the undeniable touch of the earworm-obsessed stoner: the sunburnt lounge-pop of "Do You Know What Would Make This Better?", the spacey flourishes on "Violet to Blue," the euphoric instrumental tracks on her 2018 album Kaleidoscope Drive. Her oeuvre is open-hearted and luminous—très sativa.

Over text, we discussed the ongoing power of Dan Deacon's America, the iconic meme her music taste most resembles, and the "ear candy" of Stereolab...

Bandcamp.com featured the Safe in My Garden EP as “new and notable” 

Experimental Pop, Bedroom Pop, and Psychedelic Pop highlights.

